How to Take a Worry-Free Vacation as a Small Business Owner

A benefit to running your own small business is that you’re the boss. You get to decide your schedule and what works best for you and your business. But the problem with being the boss is it’s not always easy to step away to take a break. 

Taking some time away as a small business owner requires some planning and foresight, but it is possible! Not only is it possible for you to take time away, it is important for your health. 

Getting your business ready for time away will help you get organized, increase productivity, and allow you to take some time off without feeling guilty. 

Here are 9 tips to help small business owners take a worry-free vacation. 

Schedule Time Off 

Before you start organizing your business, let’s first take a look at the calendar and schedule some time off. Whether that is a long weekend, or a week off, block off those dates on your calendar. Don’t forget to update your staff and customers as your time off approaches.  

Set Boundaries for Yourself

Once you decide when you are taking vacation, you need to decide how often you are going to check in with your business. Do you want to completely disconnect while you are away? Or check in once or twice per day to address any urgent issues. If you have a team of staff that can help support the business while you are away, great! But if you are a solo professional it may be difficult to completely disconnect. 

No matter what you decide, make sure to communicate your expectations and boundaries with your staff and/or clients before you leave. Stick to your decision so you can truly relax and rejuvenate.

Clear and Organize Your Workspace

Once you have your vacation planned and know how often you are going to check in, it’s now time to get your business organized. 

An important step to getting on the right track is to clear and organize your workspace. Start by taking everything off your desk. Make sure to clean the surface!

Put back only the things you need or use every day. Remember that every single thing on your desk is taking up some of your attention, whether you realize it or not. Be picky about what lives in your workspace.

Your desktop is a place to be creative, solve problems, and make money. Make sure there is enough space to do just that. 

Organize Your Digital Space 

Your digital space can become cluttered just like your physical workspace. Keep your digital space organized by creating dedicated folders on your computer’s hard-drive, then moving documents into each of the folders. E.g., a folder for each of your clients, with subfolders for images, logos, presentations, webinars, etc. Delete and/or move files until your digital space is easy to navigate. It will be easier and much quicker to find what you need. 

Organize Your Email 

Similar to the processes above, you file your emails that no longer require action into specific subfolders. Keeping only emails that need follow up in your inbox. Also, if you receive emails that are no longer relevant, make sure to unsubscribe! 

Prioritize Your Tasks 

If you already have a to-do list, GREAT! Review and adjust any tasks that fall during your scheduled time off. Can you work on those to-dos ahead of time, push off to a later date, or delegate to a member of your team or to a virtual assistant? 

Automate Where You Can

Automate where it makes sense, for example your social media or email newsletter. Whether you need a break from social media or you plan to be away, using schedulers is a great way to automate this part of your business. 

There are a number of free and paid versions of social media schedulers, including Hootsuite, Later, Tailwind, or Planoly.


Make a plan for who will be handling your work while you are gone. As mentioned above, can you delegate to a member of your team? If you’re a solo professional, can you delegate to a virtual assistant?

If you’ve never worked with a virtual assistant before, they work remotely, providing part-time administrative support to you and your business. You can learn more about me and the services I provide here.

Enjoy Yourself

You care a lot about your business, so it may be difficult for you to leave your business for any amount of time, but you deserve some time off! 

Taking the time now to organize your business and delegate your work, knowing it will be taken care of while you are away, will allow you more time to relax and enjoy yourself during your well-deserved vacation. 

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