Helping to make your business run smoother

I’m Kirstin, owner of Up North VA. Small businesses hire me on a contract basis to act as their part-time, virtual assistant, helping them make more money, more efficiently, and with less stress.

As a Virtual Assistant, I specialize in working with solo-professionals and small business owners, helping them with the admin pieces of their business. Things like email newsletters, presentations, proofreading, database, and email management.

You can check out more of my services here.

I have 12+ years of corporate experience, working in a variety of administrative roles. You can learn more about me on my LinkedIn profile.

I’m passionate about solving client needs using smart systems and technology. Helping to make their businesses run smoother.

A little about me:

I’m a super-doer with a talent for getting things checked off any to-do list.

I have a passion for keeping things organized, on task, and a love for all things virtual over the past 4+ years, by providing administrative, creative, and technical support to solo professionals and small business owners.

Productivity and time management are my jams.

What I love most about being a virtual assistant is I am always learning something new and exciting, while working with a variety of small businesses.

If I can help you and your business, I love sharing my extraordinary organizational skills, incredible focus, and drive, all while delivering a warm and friendly experience. I’m here to help you with your time-consuming tasks so that you can get back to the work you love.

I live in Northern Wisconsin with my husband and our two girls. Although we live in a small town; I offer administrative support to small businesses nationwide. From organizing electronic files, posting articles to a blog, to helping you when a team member is on vacation and everything in between.