Is Hiring a Virtual Assistant Right for You?

You may be drowning in work and not sure where to turn for help. And if hiring a full-time person in your business just isn’t possible, what other options do you have? 

If you are looking for someone that is available as needed to help you with administrative tasks, social media, or other mundane tasks that take up a lot of your time, a virtual assistant (VA) is a great option.

However, when it comes to working with a VA for the first time, some people are skeptical. Trusting someone else with your business tasks can be difficult and perhaps a little terrifying. But if you are feeling overwhelmed with all of your to-dos, it may be time to get some help from a VA.  

If you’re still unsure about whether your business needs a virtual assistant, consider the following:

Are you spending too much time on administrative tasks? 

Keeping up with all of your administrative tasks is important, but trying to do everything yourself is nearly impossible, especially if you have a growing business. Onboarding new clients, data entry, social media, and keeping your website up to date are all important tasks but they keep you from focusing on the activities that help to move your business forward. 

Spending too much time on busywork?

You know the sick feeling you have after you spent hours working on something so small for your business you wonder why you even bothered with it? Or knowing it shouldn’t take so long but you simply don’t have the skills or know-how to complete it quickly? 

If you feel like this, then there’s a good chance a virtual assistant can help handle those small details and free up your time for you to focus on the high-impact, high-value activities that you should be tackling. 

Your business requires you to learn new skills, but how do you find the time? 

You want to start an email newsletter, but don’t know where to begin. Creating an opt-in to grow your audience has been on your to-do list far too long, but when do you fit learning to design into your schedule? In most situations, it is better to work with someone who specializes in these tasks that can help you so you can focus on the important tasks that help you grow your business. 

Are you missing out on important opportunities? 

If you are too busy working on the everyday tasks, you are probably missing out on important opportunities like closing a major sale or finally finishing your online course. 

You need help but can’t hire a full-time employee. 

Many small business owners try to do everything themselves to help keep costs related to having a full-time employee to a minimum. But with a virtual assistant, you only pay for the time you use! 

Is your work-life balance lacking? 

Most people put work first and personal life second. But it’s time to stop thinking that the personal parts of our lives are distractions and unimportant. You shouldn’t have to work into the middle of the night, miss out on family functions, or an evening out with your friends. 

You’re ready to grow your business!

If your business is growing, are you able to expand and grow with it while still doing all-the-things? Hiring a virtual assistant can help to lighten the workload, allowing you to focus on the strategic parts of your business. 

If you are ready or maybe a little bit unsure, schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with me. 

It’s free! It’s 30 minutes! It’s all about you!

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I’m Kirstin, owner of Up North VA. Small businesses hire me on a contract basis to act as their part-time, virtual assistant, helping them make more money, more efficiently, and with less stress.

As a VA, I specialize in working with solo-professionals and small business owners, helping them with the admin pieces of their business. Things like email newsletters, presentations, proofreading, database, and email management.

You can check out more of my services here.

I have 12+ years of corporate experience, working in a variety of administrative roles. You can learn more about me on my LinkedIn profile.

I’m passionate about solving client needs using smart systems and technology. Helping to make their businesses run smoother.